Sunday, October 28, 2012

Frost in Branson

Those aren't white leaves, it's frost from yesterday
but today it was more prolific - everything
was white

So, do you hear the whine in my description - you heard right!  It's cold.  Sun is nice and no wind and no hurricane so I guess I can't have everything.

But we're having a good time anyway.  Went out to dinner last night in Branson at a Cattle/steak place and saw a bit of the town.  Eating out is fun but my refrigerator is still full.

Sally will be happy to know that I now have running water in Rhoda.  Got some good help from Fred and Jane who reassured me that I could have water and luckily I still had water in my tank from this summer so could practice.  Chancey to use a hose to get our water with the temps being so low.

A bunch are going zip-lining today but not me!!

Tonight we're having a catered dinner with the whole crew and then tomorrow I'm leaving for Eureka Springs.

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